Le Raid Pyrénéen with the Rusty Spokes Cycling Group
I had the pleasure of taking a group of 20 lads from the Rusty Spokes cycling group across the Pyrenees over the last week for another successful Raid Pyreeneen trip. The weather was absolutely amazing for the week which is unusual enough to see the mountain range at its best.
I couldn’t have asked to be with a better bunch of lads. The ages ranged from 25-65 years of age and they love their cycling! A big well done to everyone it was a pleasure to be involved.

Thanks for the kind words from some of the crew on the trip…

In September of 2022 I Did the RDP along with a group of guys called the Rusty Spokes who are mostly based in Galway .
Martin & Davey looked after us so well everything from the support on the road ,food stops , the nightly recce of the following days routes & hotel stops were all exceptional .
From the moment I signed up to do RDP there was a detailed training plan put in place by Martin which was spot on in terms of scheduled training goals leading up to the RDP.
On Completion of the RDP there was a great sense of achievement it was a truly great week.
Tommy Looney
The friendships formed with the lads & the laughs we had along the way all added to a truly memorable experience.
As a Weekend Warrior it was with some fear and trepidation I undertook to the Raid Pyrenee in September 23 . It is the cycling trip of a lifetime.I can safely say I would not have managed it without the support encouragement and expert knowledge of Martin before and during the event. Many thanks Martin
Tony Mc Donogh

Interested in Organising a Trip for your own Cycling Club?
If your cycling club would like to orangise a once-in-a-lifetime cycling trip over the Pyrenees, don’t hesitate to get in touch with me!