
9 Ways To Improve Your Competitive Advantage
To perform to the best of your ability, finding your competitive advantage is a must. Instead of looking externally for your competitive advantage, let's see what you can work on within yourself, and perform like never before.
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Top 5 Tips to Improve Your Running Technique
Drills Make sure to include drills in your warm-up and short fast strides with recovery. The strides will help increase the pace and prepare or fire the muscles for the session ahead. If you need any guidance on this, just get in touch and I can send you a video of the drills to include....
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Facing Another Lockdown… What Now?
If someone told me a year on we would be in another lockdown, I wouldn't have believed it. But, here we are! I wanted to share some thoughts that I hope will help to keep you motivated and focused over the coming months, as we still face uncertainty.
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Loop of the Land
I am delighted and very excited to announce that Focus on Fitness has come together with SPAR to raise some much-needed funds for Make-A-Wish Ireland. Myself and 3 other Focus on Fitness athletes are going to cycle 2,300km, around the coast of Ireland in just 11 days. This is no easy feat, especially with a total of 17,000 meters ascent.
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Transitioning from Indoor Cycling to Road Cycling
This is the first week that we can now cycle any where within our county. Is everyone else as excited as I am?? Over the last 3 months, many of us brought our Spring cycling training back indoors due to Covid-19 restrictions. We worked hard on the turbo trainer to keep our fitness levels up,...
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Keeping Motivated
It was great to speak with Ciara Losty, Sports Psychologist, last week to get some advice on getting through this strange time. With the lockdown being extended to May 5th, here are a few simple, but effective tips to help you through this time. Focus on what you can control With so much going on...
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Protected: Consistent 12 Month Training Snapshot
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
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5 Cycle Routes in the South East of Ireland
Looking for a change of scenery for your weekend rides? Sick of the same routes time and time again? I have compiled 5 cycle routes in the South East of Ireland for you to try.
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Focus on Fitness Training Camp Lanzarote 2019 Testimonials
I attended the focus on fitness training camp to try and step up the distance before a 70.3 ironman. Having only completed shorter Sprint distances and an Olympic distance before it was the perfect learning environment to increase the miles (and hills!) in the legs. The camp was brilliant- very well organised and tailored to...
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Meet the Gang…
We are getting closer to Le Raid Pyrénéen cycle trip 2019, so we thought now would be a nice time to introduce you to the people coming along with Focus on Fitness. We are so excited, especially after the success of the Lanzarote triathlon trip last month. So far, we have 6 people on the trip, with 2 remaining spots... are you tempted?
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Triathlon Training Tips
It is around this time of year that I always get asked for tips for the upcoming triathlon season. I have compiled a few of my top tips to get you to your race, and meet your goals successfully. Whether you are triathlon training, or just trying to improve your fitness, these tips will help you stay on track.
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Focus on Fitness Hands On Cookery Demonstration and With Cian Hawes of @PurefoodCompany
This time last year I wrote a blogpost on Food called Simply Cook. In this I described how I have spent the last number of years working with people who are trying to lose weight and athletes who want that extra ‘gain’ in their performance through their diet. What both have in common is that...
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Focus on Fitness Sports Performance Psychology Workshop
As a personal trainer who works with athletes over many disciplines I frequently hear non-performance excuses like “My head was just not in it”, “I was on for a PB at half way, But…”, “it wasn’t happening for me”, “We’ve never beaten them before so we won’t do it today…”. Generally there is always someone...
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Dreaming or Believing
Dreaming or Believing As the 2016 race season comes to an end and the winter starts to close in, it is time to reflect on how your season went, could it have been better? what is the plan for 2017? Are you Dreaming or Believing? Now is the time to think about the new season. Plan that...
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Coffee Loving Cycling Fanatic…..
I was sent on a link to a blog yesterday that I would like to share with you. As a lot of people know I am involved in working with Para-Athletes. In particular over the past few years with coaching Damien Vereker in his bid to get considered for Rio. The final piece that we...
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Simply Cook
I have spent the last number of years working with people who are trying to lose weight and athletes who want to get that extra ‘gain’ in their performance through their diet. What both have in common is that it can be confusing for most individuals when trying to determine the correct diet to follow....
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